International focus on disability: G7 Ministerial meeting

International focus on disability: G7 Ministerial meeting

We hosted an information session on 19 June to explore how to engage in two significant international events focused on disability issues: the G7 (Group of Seven) Ministerial Meeting on Inclusion and Disability scheduled for 14-16 October in Italy, and the Global Disability Summit set for April 2025.

Disability inclusion is currently a prominent topic on the international stage, and these two events offer a significant platform to ensure and advocate for “nothing about us without us”.

This article will present information on the G7 Ministerial Meeting and the Solfagano Charter.

G7 (Group of Seven) Ministerial Meeting on Inclusion and Disability

The Group of Seven (G7) is an informal forum that brings together Italy, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The European Union (EU) also participates in the Group.

While initially focused on financial issues, the G7 has expanded its focus to tackle major global issues. This shift became more pronounced with the introduction of thematic Ministerial Meetings for in-depth discussions on complex topics. Italy, as this year’s G7 Presidency holder, will convene the first-ever G7 Ministerial Meeting dedicated to disability and inclusion from 14 to 16 October 2024.

Two representatives of the Italian Government, Dr Maia Barbara Miernik and Dr Vanessa Terzo, outlined the objectives of the October Ministerial Meeting on inclusion and disability during our session. They emphasised the G7 countries’ commitment to ensuring full participation in civil, social, and political life for all and explained that the meeting will discuss eight priority areas:

  • Priority 1 – Inclusion as a priority theme of all political agendas
  • Priority – Universal accessibility
  • Priority 3 – Autonomous and independent life
  • Priority 4 –Enhancement of talents and work inclusion
  • Priority 5 – Promotion of new technologies
  • Priority 6 – Sports and recreational dimension of life
  • Priority 7 – Dignity of life and dimension of services
  • Priority 8 – Prevention and management of emergency and post-emergency situations, particularly in relation to climate crisis.

Italy has already held a total of four working group meetings with technical experts to provide comments and suggestions on the different priority areas. Representatives from the International Disability Alliance (IDA) and EDF also attended these meetings.

G7’s Solfagano Charter

Dr. Miernik and Dr. Terzo discussed the latest G7 Communiqué, which references persons with disabilities.

The Communiqué announced the upcoming Solfagnano Charter, which will articulate actions around “universal access and accessibility, independent living, inclusive employment, service availability, emergency prevention and management, among others.” Dr. Miernik and Dr. Terzo flagged that a draft of the Solfagnano Charter will be reviewed by the G7 inclusion and disability working group in July 2024.

The Communiqué states that G7 countries “…will continue advancing the inclusion of persons with disabilities and accelerating gender and other forms of equality in the world of work.” It notes that G7 countries will step up their action for the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).

It also highlights the reality of 3.4 million internally displaced Ukrainians and the importance of inclusive recovery and the need to address the needs of women, children and persons with disabilities.

EDF will be sure to share additional updates and further opportunities to engage with the Solfagnano Charter in the coming months. We will also advocate for disability to be in the outcome document of the G7 and for the work on disability to continue at the next G7 in 2025 in Canada.


Erika Hudson, EDF International Cooperation Policy Officer, at