Ukraine - Protection and safety of persons with disabilities and their families

The work of EDF and its members and partners in response to the Ukraine war

Our programme

The European Disability Forum response to the war in Ukraine, together with organisations of persons with disabilities in Ukraine and neighbouring countries, began in March 2022.

Thanks to our funders and partners, we established a Ukraine Response Programme in April 2022. It is now divided into two projects working on disability inclusion, led by organisations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) in Ukraine, Poland, Moldova and Latvia, as partners at European level.

By April 2024 more than 42,000 people* and their families have been supported through direct services. Disaggregated data on more than 12,000 of these people shows that 65% of beneficiaries are persons with disabilities.  70% of beneficiaries are women and children.

During this thime, 15 organisations have been involved, including 13 OPDs in eight countries. Funders mobilised €10.3 million including contributions from CBM International and the German Foreign Federal Office (GFFO).

Examples of this work

  • Humanitarian aid (including cash, assistive devices, transport, food, hygiene and medicines, as well as medical and rehabilitation provision)
  • Advocacy and training activities for a broad range of stakeholders
  • Supporting the cooperation of organisations of persons with disabilities in Ukraine and neighbouring countries

Geographic scope of our current work

Slice of Google Map showing Ukraine, Moldova and Poland with around 50 different coloured markers all over Ukraine and Moldova and two in Poland, showing location of different projects

**Photo of a Google Map with EDF partners’ work responding to the war in Ukraine

*This figure is conservative (e.g. family size is not always accounted for) and it does not take into account people helped through advocacy
**Locations are approximate, many activities are happening in small communities not possible to be depicted here, and this work is evolving over time as needs change

Projects supporting Ukrainian organisations and persons with disabilities

Empower Ukraine

Empower Ukraine

Empower Ukraine is a project working towards the better inclusion of at-risk internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees, veterans, older people, single-headed households, adults and children in institutions, and members of host communities in six oblasts in Ukraine.

Status – Ongoing

Discover "Empower Ukraine"

The impact of our Ukraine work, and resources for others

EDF news on our Ukraine response

| Ukraine
Economic needs overshadow human rights: Impressions from EDF at Ukraine Recovery Conference

EDF representatives – led by Thorkild Olesen, EDF Executive Committee  Member - participated in the Ukraine Recovery Conference...

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| EDF work on Ukraine, Ukraine
Sharing, learning, planning – EDF Ukraine programme partners meet in Poland

The partners of Phase 2 of the EDF Ukraine response met in Poland (Warsaw and Gdańsk) from 8...

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| EDF work on Ukraine
Supporting Ukrainians with disabilities: programme evaluation

The European Disability Forum (EDF) and CBM have joined forces in a programme addressing the needs of persons...

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| Ukraine
EU funding plan for Ukraine reconstruction: Disability rights (mostly) included

The compromise agreement on setting up the Ukraine Facility Regulation, a new dedicated instrument to support Ukraine’s recovery,...

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| Ukraine
The Warsaw declaration: Disability-inclusive recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine

During EDF meeting with partners in April 2024, EDF and the Ukraine programme (phase 2) partners launched the...

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| Ukraine
The Riga Academy – shared learning between Latvian and Ukrainian activists

The first edition of the Riga Academy – aimed at sharing experiences and developing skills of disability activists...

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| Ukraine
Report: The impact of the war in Ukraine on the rights of persons with disabilities

Our member, the “League of Strong”, together with the KRF “Public Alternative” have produced a monitoring report of...

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| Ukraine
European Parliament’s Committees voted on establishing the Ukraine Facility 

The European Parliament’s Committee for Foreign Affairs (AFET) and the Committees on Budgets (BUDG) voted today (5 October)...

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| EDF work on Ukraine, Ukraine
Ukraine Facility: ensuring equal opportunities for persons with disabilities

The European Disability Forum (EDF) has been advocating to ensure that the rights of persons with disabilities are...

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All EDF news stories