
335 resources found

| Human Rights
Recommendations for the implementation of the EU Anti-Trafficking Directive: Turning children’s rights commitment to good practices

On the 27th of May 2024, the Council adopted the Directive 2024/1712, amending Directive 2011/36/EU, on preventing and...

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| Human Rights
Paving the Way for an Equality-Centred Policy Cycle

The European Union was founded on the principles of equality and non-discrimination. Yet too many people continue to...

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| About us
EDF Annual Report 2023

We are pleased to present our 2023 Annual Report. This year the disability movement demonstrated our power to...

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| Deinstitutionalisation
The transition from institutions to community-based services and independent living for persons with disabilities

The European Union and its Member States have pledged to transition away from institutions that segregate persons with...

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| Human Rights
Joint position on the draft recommendation for respect for autonomy in mental healthcare - CDBIO meeting

The European Disability Forum (EDF), Mental Health Europe (MHE), the European Network of (Ex-)Users and Survivors of Psychiatry...

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| Women and girls
Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit 2024

Gender and disability are two key issues that for a long period, have been promoted separately by disability...

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| EU Institutions, Human Rights
EDF's Enforcement Toolkit

The aim of this toolkit is to provide persons with disabilities and their representative organisations with an overview...

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| Ukraine
The Warsaw declaration: disability-inclusive recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine

Download the Warsaw declaration: disability-inclusive recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine (Word) Download the Warsaw declaration: disability-inclusive recovery and...

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| Human Rights
EDF’s resolution on Disability Rights, Peace and Conflict, 2024

Considering that the EU and all its Member States have ratified and are bound by the United Nations...

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| Human Rights
Executive Summary - EDF Human Rights Report on legal capacity: Personal choice and control

Legal capacity is a fundamental human right, enabling individuals to make decisions and exercise control over their lives....

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| Employment, European Elections
EU leaders must deliver a European Disability Employment and Skills Guarantee

Today, on International Workers' Day and ahead of the European Elections in June, the European Disability Forum calls...

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| Accessibility, European Elections
Access Denied: The (in)accessibility of European Political Party websites

The report “Access Denied” reveals that European political parties’ websites are vastly inaccessible to users with disabilities, with...

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| Artificial Intelligence
EU’s AI Act fails to set gold standard for human rights

For the last three years, we have worked in coalition as a broad range of digital, human rights...

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| Human Rights
Joint statement: “Building an inclusive European Union of Equality”

We, the undersigned equality and anti-discrimination organisations, call on the European Union’s leaders and European Institutions to ensure...

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| International cooperation
EU in the World Report - 2023

EDF's International Cooperation and Humanitarian Action team is thrilled to announce the release of our inaugural 'EU in...

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| Climate Action
Joint letter to Ministers calling for an EU policy framework for a just transition

The following letter was sent, together with our partners, calling on Ministers to prioritise a fair and Just...

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| Women and girls
Empowerment and Leadership - Third EDF Manifesto on the Rights of Women and Girls with Disabilities

It is estimated that women and girls with disabilities constitute 25.9% of the total population of women in...

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| Women and girls
2024 workplan for the Women’s Committee

This workplan guides the European Disability Forum’s work on women’s rights and gender-equality and the activities of the...

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| Women and girls
Report on EDF Women’s Committee work and achievements - 2023

A new EDF Women’s Committee was appointed by the EDF Executive Committee in September 2022. The new Committee...

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Information note to CRPD committee experts: Disability priorities at the European level - January 2024

This information note aims at informing the independent experts of the CRPD Committee about the main priorities at...

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| Passenger Rights
Analysis of the Proposal on Multimodal Passenger Rights

Executive summary EDF welcomes the proposal on passenger rights and, in particular, supports the following points: The provisions...

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| Passenger Rights
Analysis of the Proposal on enforcement of Passenger Rights

Executive summary EDF welcomes the proposal on enforcement of passenger rights and, in particular, supports the following points:...

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| Human Rights
EDF input to the European Commission’s call for evidence on the 2024 Justice Scoreboard

18 January 2023 The European Disability Forum (EDF), umbrella organisation defending the rights of over 100 million of...

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| Accessibility, European Elections
Checklists: Making campaigns accessible for persons with disabilities

Over 87 million persons with disabilities live in the European Union. However, most election campaigns still do not...

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| About us
EDF Annual Report 2022

2022 was a year of challenges. With each challenge, the movement showcased its strength and determination. It is...

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| Human Rights
Intersections: The LGBTI II Survey - diving into persons with disabilities analysis

This briefing by ILGA-Europe analyses the results of the Fundamental Rights Agency LGBTI Survey II and summarises the...

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| Women and girls
‘I decide’. Joint statement for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, on 25 November, EDF together with CERMI...

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| Human Rights, Women and girls
A silenced truth - stories of forced sterilisation in the EU

The European Disability Forum (EDF) – the umbrella organisation of persons with disabilities that defends the interests of...

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| Human Rights
Revision of the Victims’ Rights Directive - Proposed amendments

EDF welcomes the proposal of the European Commission to revise the Victims’ Rights Directive, including by further protecting...

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| Human Rights
Regulation on protection of adults - Proposed amendments

While we recognise the importance of conflict of laws legislation as a means to provide legal certainty, avoid...

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| Human Rights
Nagorno-Karabakh: Protection and safety of persons with disabilities

Nagorno-Karabakh: Protection and safety of persons with disabilities Open letter to the international community - including the United...

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| Disability Card, Freedom of movement
EDF analysis of the Commission proposal for a European Disability Card

The European Commission published the proposal for a Directive establishing the European Disability Card and European Parking Card...

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| Women and girls
Mapping of organisations of women with disabilities and committees in Europe

EDF and EDF Women’s Committee aim to foster exchange and networking of women and girls with disabilities living...

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| Youth
EDF Youth Committee 2022 Annual Report

2022 was an important year for the EDF Youth Committee. During the year, the Youth Committee experienced significant...

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Continued improvement of the accessibility for persons with disabilities of the address of the State of the European Union.

This letter in PDF To: President Roberta Metsola, European Parliament; President Ursula Von Der Leyen, European Commission Copied:...

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| Human Rights
Revised Victims’ Rights Directive - Joint Statement

EDF join Victim Support Europe (VSE) and fellow signatories together with national member organisations' call for strengthened EU rights,...

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| Ukraine
Corporate Respect for Human Rights of People with Disabilities in the Recovery Plan for Ukraine

Armed conflicts exacerbate the existing barriers faced by persons with disabilities and expose them to greater harm. International...

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| About us, Human Rights
Booklet - 'Your rights in the European Union'

Are you aware of your rights in the European Union? Explore the rights specifically tailored for persons with disabilities in our comprehensive booklet.

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| Accessibility, transport
Joint Call to the European Commission on stronger protection for the rights of persons with disabilities when travelling by air

Dear Commissioner for Transport Vălean, Dear Commissioner for Equality Dalli, The undersigned European organisations representing passengers, persons with...

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| Social Policy
European Semester Spring Package 2023 : How well does it reflect the issues faced by persons with disabilities?

The European Commission released its Spring Package as part of the 2023 European Semester process release. The European...

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| Human Rights
Civil society joint position on the draft recommendation for the promotion of voluntary measures - CD-BIO meeting of 7th of June 2023

The European Disability Forum (EDF), Mental Health Europe (MHE), Inclusion Europe,  the European Network of (Ex-)Users and Survivors...

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| Employment
EDF 7th Human Rights Report. The Right to Work: The employment situation of persons with disabilities in Europe 

The Seventh Edition of the European Disability Forum’s Human Rights Report focuses on the right to work of...

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| Disability Card
EDF's Reply to the European Commission's Second Public Consultation on the EU Disability Card

The European Commission launched a public consultation on the EU Disability Card. It is open until 5 May....

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| Artificial Intelligence
European Parliament: Make sure the AI act protects peoples’ rights!

Statement in PDF ( Statement in Word ( Ahead of the AI Act vote in the European Parliament,...

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| Transport
End the nightmare: Passengers with disabilities deserve to travel by air

  Air travel is by far the transportation mode in which persons with disabilities experience the most difficulties...

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Joint Public Letter to EU lawmakers on patients' rights in the European Health Data Space

Official Statement (PDF hosted at Brussels, 13 April 2023 To European lawmakers: We, the undersigned organisations representing...

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| EU Institutions, International cooperation
EDF's input to the EU Talent Pool

Persons with disabilities are far less likely to be employed than persons without disabilities, although many of them...

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| Human Rights
EDF proposed amendments to the revision of the Anti-Trafficking Directive

The European Disability Forum welcomes the revision of the Anti-Trafficking Directive. The Directive adopted in 2011 only makes...

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| Human Rights, Social Policy
EDF proposed amendments on the Directive for Equality Bodies

The European Disability Forum welcomes the Commission’s proposals of directives on standards for equality bodies. Equality bodies play...

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| International cooperation
EU Guidance note on inclusion of persons with disabilities in EU global actions – joint reaction by EDF and IDDC

The European Disability Forum (EDF) and the International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC) welcome the new European Union...

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| Ukraine
Joint statement on the forcible transfer, deportation, and adoption of children from Ukraine by Russia

We are deeply concerned by reports that many children displaced by the war in Ukraine have been forcibly...

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| International cooperation
Toolkit for EU Delegations: Including Organisations of Persons with Disabilities

EDF developed this practical toolkit for staff of EU Delegations (EUDs) on how to engage actively with Organisations...

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| International cooperation
Toolkit for DPOs: Engaging with EU Delegations around the world

EDF developed this practical toolkit for DPOs to provide concrete suggestions and tools on how to understand the...

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| Ukraine
Rights of persons with disabilities during the war in Ukraine. Summary of monitoring report

This document is a brief overview of the situation with the rights of people with disabilities in Ukraine one year after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation.

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| Human Rights
Joint Statement for European Day for Victims of Crime

On this European Day for Victims of Crime, Victim Support Europe and signatories of this statement stand in...

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| Public health
EDF recommendations for European Commission’s call for evidence on mental health

The European Disability Forum (EDF) welcomes the European Commission’s call for evidence on mental health. A comprehensive and...

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Information Note to CRPD Committee Experts. Disability priorities at the European level

This information note aims at informing the independent experts of the CRPD Committee about the main priorities at...

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| Ukraine
Bridging the Gaps - four studies on Ukrainian children with disabilities

The full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia on the 24th of February, 2022, triggered the largest refugee crisis...

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Ensuring the protection of persons with disabilities fleeing from Ukraine

Persons with disabilities constitute at least 15% of any displaced population. According to available sources, there were 2.7...

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| Women and girls
Infographic: Female Genital Mutilation and Disability

Female Genital Mutilation Survivors with disabilities are less likely to have their rights upheld and less likely to...

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EU Disability Card - EDF Response's to European Commission's Call for Evidence

Outline of the call for evidence opened by the Commission This initiative will create a European Disability Card...

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Disability rights and inclusion in the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy

With this input, the European Disability Forum (EDF) and the European Union (EU) Task Group of the International...

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| Human Rights
Briefing on discrimination and social exclusion of Roma with disabilities

There is limited information on the situation of Roma with disabilities in the European Union. In the disability...

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| Accessibility, Transport
Joint call from European consumers, industry, and insurance providers on urgent need for mandatory insolvency protection scheme in the airline sector

EDF has co-signed with representatives of European consumers, the package travel industry, online intermediaries and insurance providers a...

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Prioritising persons with disabilities in the action against inflation and energy costs

Resolution adopted by the EDF Board on 20 November 2022  Context Considering that there are 100 million persons...

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| International cooperation
Global Europe funding for DPOs - guidance note

With an overall budget of €79.5 billion for 2021-2027 to contribute to the eradication of poverty and the advancement...

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| EDF work on Ukraine, Ukraine
2.7 Million - Ukraine response from EDF and partners

In Ukraine, over 2.7 million persons with disabilities were registered before the war; by July 2022, it was...

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| Accessibility, Artificial Intelligence
Joint letter: Ensure fundamental rights protections in the Council position on the AI Act

Civil society open letter to the Czech Presidency and Ministers working on the European Union Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act. EDF...

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Feedback on European Commission's initiative: Social economy – developing framework conditions

EDF has participated in the consultation opened by the European Commission on the development of the conditions to...

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| SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals
DisabilityHub Europe. The 2030 Agenda, SDGs and Disability

The seventh anniversary of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals was recently celebrated in a scenario marked by...

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| International cooperation, Public health
Disability rights and inclusion in the new EU Global Health Strategy

EDF and the International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC) have submitted a joint position paper in response to...

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| Women and girls
Report on forced sterilisation in the European Union

Forced sterilisation of persons with disabilities is a pervasive abuse and a gross violation of their fundamental rights....

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| Climate Action
Green EDF Policy

As the world's largest minority, persons with disabilities are very heavily impacted by the climate crisis. Considering that...

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| Right to vote
EDF position paper on Mobile EU Citizens Directives

According to the European Union (EU) Treaties, EU citizenship provides for the right to vote and stand as...

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| Accessibility
EDF feedback to European Commission draft Delegated Regulation to the European emergency number '112

After the initial consultation in 2021, in August 2022 the European Commission released the draft Delegated Regulation to...

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| Employment, Women and girls
Disability and Gender Gaps: Addressing unequal employment of women with disabilities

While equal access to employment has improved over the years, the labour and pay gaps remain a reality...

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| Women and girls
Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence - Proposal for amendments

In view of the recent European Commission proposal for a Directive on Combating violence against women and domestic...

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Riga Declaration on a Peaceful and Disability-Inclusive Ukraine

The Riga Declaration, drafted in cooperation with SUSTENTO - the Umbrella Body of Disability Organisations, condemns the invasion...

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| Ukraine
Disability Inclusive Cash Feasibility Assessment Report

This report describes a Cash Feasibility Assessment conducted on adult internally displaced people (IDPs) with disabilities in Ukraine...

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| Youth
EDF Youth Committee: Annual Report 2021

Find out the activities in 2021 of EDF Youth Committee. If you don't know its members yet you can also read more about them and what the youth Committee role is in our organisation

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| International cooperation
VIVID 6-day online training: An introduction to Inclusive Humanitarian Action

This document has been prepared by CBM Global Disability Inclusion and the International Disability Alliance (IDA) in support...

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| About us
Emergency Resolution calling for Peace

The Executive Committee of the European Disability Forum met on 24 June 2022 in advance of the annual...

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| Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), UN CRPD
Proposed amendments to the EU Regulation on the digitalisation of justice

EDF deeply regrets the absence of accessibility requirements, procedural accommodations for persons with disabilities and reference to the...

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| Accessibility, Transport
EDF Feedback to Commission Call for Evidence on EU Passengers' Rights Regulations

EDF Feedback to Call for Evidence for an Impact Assessment of EU Passenger Rights Regulations (word) EDF Feedback...

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| About us
EDF annual report 2021

Find in this document all the EDF achivements during 2021. This report was funded by the European Union....

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| Human Rights, Public health
Joint statement welcoming the suspension of the adoption of the draft Additional Protocol to the Oviedo Convention

Read the joint statement signed by Autism Europe, European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD),...

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| Humanitarian Action, International cooperation, Ukraine
Key Principles and Recommendations for Inclusive Cash and Voucher Assistance in Ukraine

This technical brief, developed together with CBM Global Disability Inclusion, is intended to provide general guidance for humanitarian...

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| Disability Card, Disability Strategy
EDF Position on the European Disability Card 2022

The European Disability Card is necessary to facilitate freedom of movement for persons with disabilities in the EU,...

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| Human Rights, Right to vote
EDF 6th Human Rights Report 2022: political participation of persons with disabilities

The Sixth Edition of the European Disability Forum’s Human Rights Report focuses on the rights of persons with...

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EDF Executive Committee meeting May 20th 2022 Working documents

Agenda Online Executive meeting 20 May 2022 DOC-EXEC-22-05-01 Follow-up of actions from the last meeting DOC-EXEC-22-05-02 Update on...

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| Human Rights
Ageing, Disability and Long-Term Care: Recommendations for the European Care Strategy

There are many commonalities between the barriers faced by older people and those faced by persons with disabilities....

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| Human Rights
Recommendations on disability rights in pre-trial detention

Detainees with disabilities continue to face many violations of their rights in EU Member States. In 2017 the European...

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| Accessibility, Disability Card, Freedom of movement, Passenger Rights
EDF Freedom Guide (2011)

Freedom Guide - Paving the way towards free movement for persons with disabilities (PDF) Freedom Guide - Paving...

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| Ukraine
EDF position paper: Recommended response to children from institutions in Ukraine

This document provides an initial rapid analysis of the situation for children in institutions in Ukraine.  It is...

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| International cooperation
How to include organisations of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action

For an emergency response to be effective everyone must be involved. This includes persons with disabilities. These videos...

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| Accessibility, Standardisation
EDF recommendations for a representative, fair, and inclusive European standardisation system

EDF has submitted feedback on the public consultation for the European Commission’s proposal to amend Regulation (EU) 1025/2012...

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| Human Rights
EDF position paper on disability rights in civil judicial cooperation

This position paper was prepared to contribute to the consultation of the European Commission on Civil judicial cooperation...

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Report of the EDF-CFHE-CNCPH Conference "Persons with Disabilities in the City", 10 March 2022, Paris

Report of Conference EDF-CFHE-CNCPH 10 March 2022 - EN Report of Conference EDF-CFHE-CNCPH 10 March 2022 - FR

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| Human Rights
Position paper on combatting trafficking in persons with disabilities

Persons with disabilities, including women and girls with disabilities are at a higher risk of exploitation and may...

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| EU Budget
Social Protection and the Welfare State: What the EU can do to support persons with disabilities

According to the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth, “social protection” can be defined as being “composed of...

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| EU Institutions
EDF position paper on equality bodies legislation

Equality bodies are public independent organisations assisting victims of discrimination, monitoring and reporting on discrimination issues, and contributing...

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| International cooperation
Guide: Volunteers with disabilities within the new European Solidarity Corps (ESC)

The guidelines have been created as part of VIVID-T, which is a project funded by the European Union...

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| Accessibility, International cooperation
Accessible Website Toolkit - Digital Accessibility Training session #7

As part of the VIVID-T project, the Accessible Website Toolkit will help you know how to create accessible content on...

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| Accessibility, Transport, transport
Accessible multimodal digital mobility services

EDF has submitted feedback to the European Commission consultation on miltimodal digital mobility services. Since planning and buying...

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| Public health
EDF position paper on cancer screening and treatment

Recent studies show that persons with disabilities are at a higher risk to develop cancer, to receive a...

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EDF alternative report for the second review of the EU by the CRPD Committee

The EDF alternative report examines the European Union’s (EU) implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons...

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| Accessibility, transport
EDF analysis of the Commission Communication on the New Urban Mobility Framework

EDF analysis of the Commission communication on the New Urban Mobility Framework - Word EDF analysis of the...

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| Accessibility, Passenger Rights, transport
EDF Feedback to Call for Evidence for an Impact Assessment of EU Passenger Rights Regulations

The European Disability Forum (EDF) welcomes the European Commission’s initiative to gather evidence for the purpose of assessing...

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| Accessibility, Green Deal, transport
EDF Analysis of the European Commission Proposal for revising the TEN-T Regulation

This a first assessment of the European Commission’s proposal for revision of the Union guidelines for the development...

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| EDF information, Women and girls
2021 Report of EDF Women’s Committee

In January 2021, EDF Women’s Committee adopted its action points for 2021, following its workplan for 2019-2021. The Committee...

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| Human Rights
EDF input to call for evidence on EU rules on victims’ rights

EDF is concerned that EU Member States do not effectively ensure the rights of victims’ with disabilities enshrined in the Victims’ Rights Directive and the CRPD.

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| Accessibility, Easy to Read
EDF Recommendations on the 2022 EU Justice Scoreboard

EDF calls on the European Commission to establish a “CRPD compliant-justice” indicator (similar to the“child-friendly justice” indicator already...

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| Accessibility, Built Environment, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
EDF statement on European Commission’s draft standardisation request for the European Accessibility Act

EDF welcomes the formal notification by the European Commission to the European standardisation organisations and European stakeholder organisations...

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| Accessibility
Accessible Video Toolkit - Digital Accessibility Training session #5

As part of the VIVID-T project, the Accessible Video Toolkit will help you to create videos considering accessibility aspects. You can find...

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| Human Rights
Workshop - Your rights in the EU

The European Disability Forum (EDF), in cooperation with the Slovenian National Disability Council, hosted the  this training on “Your rights in the EU” to present the updated version of EDF Booklet on “Your Rights in the EU”

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| EDF information, EU Institutions
Workshop on "The work of the European Ombudsman and making complaints"

Last 15th of November, 2021 the European Disability Forum hosted a 1-hour workshop on the work of the...

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| International cooperation
EDF toolkit DPOs involvement Global Disability Summit

This toolkit is designed for EDF members and DPOs from larger Europe. Its objectives are to advocate for DPOs meaningful involvement in both the Global Disability Summit and the European Regional Disability Summit on international cooperation, to influence the commitments that will come out of these processes and to use the Summits for national, European and international advocacy on the implementation of CRPD and SDGs.

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| Easy to Read, EDF information
Your rights in the European Union - 2021 Booklet

This booklet presents your rights as a person with disabilities in the European Union (EU). It will help you understand how the EU works.

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| Council, EU Institutions, Presidencies
Disability Priorities for the French Council Presidency 2022

Disability Priorities for the French Presidency 2022 (Word) Disability Priorities for the French Presidency 2022 (PDF)

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| Council, EU Institutions, Presidencies
Disability Priorities for the Slovenian Council Presidency 2021

Disability Priorities for the Slovenian Presidency 2021 (Word) Disability Priorities for the Slovenian Presidency 2021 (PDF)

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| Accessibility, Human Rights, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Disability perspective on Regulating Artificial Intelligence

We welcome the European Commission’s proposal for regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the EU. The proposed Regulation for...

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| Accessibility, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Position Paper on the Web Directive: Public consultation response

In this paper, submitted as an annex to the online questionnaire from the European Commission’s public consultation, we outline our key asks with regards to the forthcoming review of the Directive.

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| Accessibility, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Ensuring effective access to emergency services in the EU

EDF has given feedback to a European Commission roadmap consultation ahead of the publication of a draft delegated...

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| Right to vote
EDF position paper on the reform of the European Union Electoral Law

Right to vote and stand as candidate for persons with disabilities in the European Parliament elections.

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| Accessibility, International cooperation
Accessible Online Meeting Toolkit - Digital Accessibility Training session #4

As part of the VIVID-T project, the accessible Online Meeting Toolkit will help you to improve the accessibility of online events that you are organising. The toolkit focuses on Zoom and gives you a set of recommendations and tips ensuring that your events are inclusive for all.

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| Accessibility, COVID-19, Public health, Transport
EDF feedback on EU consultation for transport contingency plans

What lessons should EU draw from COVID-19 effect on passenger rights and accessible transport? How can EU best...

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| Climate Action, Green Deal, Transport
EDF reply to EC consultation on the Urban Mobility Framework

This public consultation aims to gather the views of individuals and stakeholders to help the Commission to propose a new EU urban mobility framework. It will seek information and feedback in relation to the overall aims of the planned EU Urban Mobility Initiative (PLAN/2020/8676).

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| Accessibility
EDF Position Paper on European Commission’s draft Standardisation Request for the European Accessibility Act

EDF welcomes the European Commission’s draft standardisation request to the European standardisation organisations (ESOs) as regards the accessibility...

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| Accessibility, Digital rights and participation, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
EDF feedback to Public consultation on a set of European Digital Principles

The European Disability Forum (EDF) has replied to the European Commission's public consultation on the Declaration of Digital Principles....

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| Public health
Report on Access to cross border healthcare by patients with disabilities in the European Union

This report aims to contribute to the evaluation of the Patients Mobility Directive1 by the European Commission and identify additional measures needed at EU level to better ensure access to cross border healthcare by patients with disabilities.

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| Employment
Guide to accessible Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining

When we look at the issues faced by persons with disabilities in employment, we see not only issues in accessing the open labour market but also in relation to the quality of employment. Read this guide.

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| Human Rights
Improving Disability Assessment Procedures in the European Union

The methods for assessing disability, granting disability allowance and providing social protection to citizens with disabilities vary substantially from one Member State to another. How exactly would existing disability assessment methods need to change to be CRPD-compliant?

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EDF Position paper on Social Taxonomy

In August 2021, EDF submitted a position paper as part of a European Commission consultation. In our position...

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| Youth
Youth Committee Annual Report 2020

For 2020 the youth Committee held its activities under the topic of the Freedom of Movement but in March, Europe entered a never seen before period. The COVID-19 pandemic changed most plans, but never destroyed the dream of freedom of movement, it reinforced it.

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| Accessibility, International cooperation
Accessible Social Media Toolkit - Digital Accessibility Training session #3

As part of the VIVID-T project, the accessible Social Media Toolkit will help you to improve the accessibility of the content that you are posting and use the accessibility features built directly into social platforms. The toolkit focuses on Twitter and gives you a set of recommendations and tips ensuring that your posts are reaching the largest audience, including people with disabilities.

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| Accessibility, International cooperation
Accessible PowerPoint Toolkit - Digital Accessibility Training session #2

As part of the VIVID-T Project, the Toolkit on Accessible PowerPoint will guide you to improve the accessibility of your Powerpoint presentation. Accessible PowerPoint means that your entire audience is going to be able to fully engage with it and learn from the content you are creating. In the toolkit, you can find a set of recommendations that suggest how you can be more accessible and achieve this particular goal.

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EDF’s recommendations for the European Commission’s evaluation of patient rights in cross-border healthcare 

Access to health is a fundamental human right of persons with disabilities. It is recognised and protected under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ratified by the European Union and all its Member States, and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Find out the key findings of the report on access to cross-border healthcare by patients with disabilities that EDF will publish in September 2021.

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| International cooperation
Inclusive Online Volunteering for Humanitarian Aid - Research by Viatores Christi

This rapid research on behalf of Viatores Christi, as part of the VIVID-T EU Project, explores and reports...

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| Disability Strategy
Presentation of the European Disability Strategy in Italian

This PowerPoint Presentation is an overview of the European Disability Rights Strategy in Italian.

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| Accessibility
EDF statement on the Commission Roadmap for the revision of the Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings (2010/13)

Disabled Persons’ Organisations have demanded from the very start that any action under the “Green Deal” needs to be inclusive of persons with disabilities and that accessibility is a key aspect of sustainability.

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| Human Rights, Women and girls
EDF proposals for amendments to the Pay Transparency Directive

In view of the recent European Commission proposal for a Directive on Pay Transparency establishing minimum requirements to strengthen the application of the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value between men and women through pay transparency and enforcement mechanism, EDF would like to stress their points.

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| Accessibility
EDF Reply to Evaluation Roadmap on Declaration of Digital Principles

EDF reply to evaluation roadmap on declaration of digital principles (Word)

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| Accessibility
EDF recommendations on standardisation for the European Accessibility Act

In this document we summarise our main recommendations on the European Commission’s standardisation request for the European Accessibility...

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| EU Institutions
European Social Fund Plus 2021-2027: Analysis of the final agreement

In February 2021 an agreement was reached between the co-legislators on the Regulation for the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) 2021-2027. Read our report.

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| Accessibility, transport
Rail Passengers' Rights - Analysis of text adopted

On this analysis EDF explain the changes that were adopted in the revised Regulation and how they will affect persons with disabilities once the text enters into force in 2023.

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| EU Institutions
European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027: Analysis of the final agreement

In this document we will analyse the final agreement on the ERDF regarding the articles we advocated on. We will explain what it could mean for persons with disabilities over the coming seven years. When presenting final text from the Regulation, all amendments to the Commission’s original proposal will be presented in bold and italic. In some cases, where text has been removed from the original proposal, words will also have a strike through.

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| Accessibility, International cooperation
Accessible Word Toolkit - Digital Accessibility Training session #1

On the 15th April 2021 has been delivered the first training session on Digital Accessibility as part of...

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| Council, EU Institutions
EDF Guide on Council Presidencies 2021

EDF Guidance on EU Presidencies (Word) EDF Guidance on EU Presidencies (PDF)

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| Accessibility
EDF Recommendations for a Disability-inclusive Roaming Regulation

The European Commission published a proposal for the recast Roaming Regulation[1]. It is as an opportunity to strengthen...

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| About us, Easy to Read, EDF information
EDF Annual Report 2020

In spite of the challenges 2020 threw at us, at EDF we continued our work, our collaboration and our advocacy. This document reflects the achievements made during this unprecedented year. As we look to the future, the disability movement needs to be strong, diverse and united.

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| Women and girls
EDF-IDA workshop on Using the UN Optional Protocols to defend the rights of women and girls with disabilities

This online workshop organised jointly by the International Disability Alliance and the European Disability Forum informed participants on the role and functioning of the Optional Protocols, as tools to defend the rights of women and girls with disabilities. Watch the complete video here.

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| Accessibility
European Accessibility Act Toolkit for transposition

The European Accessibility Act (EAA), is an EU law that will set new EU-wide minimum accessibility requirements for...

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| Accessibility
How to make your elections campaign accessible for persons with disabilities and the general public

Over 100 million persons with disabilities live in the European Union. However, most election campaigns do not take...

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| International cooperation, Women and girls
Rising voices - Mainstreaming women with disabilities in India-EU international cooperation

This paper is informed by the findings of Building Partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals – Empowering Disabled People’s Organisations, a European Union- (EU) funded project jointly undertaken by Sightsavers India and the European Disability Forum (EDF). The project supports people with disabilities to engage in, shape, and monitor the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

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| Women and girls
EDF position paper on Violence against women and girls with disabilities in the European Union

This document was prepared to contribute to the consultation on domestic and gender-based violence organised by the European Commission. It provides recommendations to the European Union on initiatives necessary to end gender-based violence and violence against women and girls in all their diversity in the EU, including women and girls with disabilities.

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| Human Rights
The Implementation of CRPD Article 19 by the European Union

As a Party to the CRPD, the EU has put in place a number of measures to implement Article 19. Given the way policy competence is shared between the EU and its 27 Member States, the EU does not have a remit to prohibit the construction of institutions for persons with disabilities.

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| Employment
The European Semester Country Reports 2020: What do they say about disability?

In this document you will find an overview of disability issues in each Country Report. EDF urges the European Commission to ensure the main concerns raised with regards to persons with disabilities are carried over from the Country Reports and reflected very clearly in this year’s Country-Specific Recommendations to each of the Member States.

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| COVID-19, Easy to Read, International cooperation
EU global role in COVID 19 response and impact on lives of persons with disabilities 

This report focuses on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on persons with disabilities globally and to what extent the EU response and recovery plans worldwide have been disability-inclusive. In particular, we provide an overview of the legal and policy frameworks the EU must respect during this crisis.

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| Human Rights
Advocating against the draft additional protocol to the Oviedo Convention

The draft additional protocol is a legal document that is being discussed by the Council of Europe on...

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| Human Rights
Toolkit on the inclusion of refugees with disabilities

This toolkit aims to inform our community of members and partners, in particular organisations of persons with disabilities (DPOs) in Europe, about the perspectives of migrants, including refugees, with disabilities, and how to include them in your work. It includes:

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| Human Rights
EDF position and recommendation on hate speech and hate crime 

The European Disability Forum welcomes the commitment of the European Commission to protect the rights of victims in the European Union (EU) and the initiative to extend the list of EU crimes in Article 83(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) to hate speech and hate crime.

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| Human Rights
Webinar: Advocating against the draft additional protocol to the Oviedo Convention

Last March 25 together with Mental Health Europe with numerous stakeholders launched an advocacy toolkit against the draft additional protocol to the Oviedo Convention. Our aim is to strengthen efforts to oppose the draft and request the withdrawal of the protocol.

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| COVID-19, Easy to Read, Human Rights
Human Rights Report 2021: Impact of COVID19 on persons with disabilities

The fifth edition of the European Disability Forum’s Human Rights Report presents the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on person with disabilities in Europe in 2020. It highlights how EU and European countries have largely failed to include persons with disabilities in their response to the pandemic, both within Europe and in their global response.

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Implementing the EU Pillar of Social Rights

This position paper outlines the reaction of the European Disability Forum (EDF), to the Commission’ communication on “A...

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| Human Rights
EDF Analysis of the Action Plan of Social Pillars

On the 4th of March 2021 the European Commission launched its Action Plan for the European Pillar of Social Rights. The European Pillar of Social Rights (sometimes referred to as the “Social Pillar” or just the “Pillar”) was proclaimed in 2017. It contains 20 principles to deliver a more social Europe, which the EU and its Member States committed to implementing. Principle 17 of the Social Pillar is specifically about fostering the social inclusion of persons with disabilities.

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| Accessibility
EDF Position Paper on the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act

This document summarizes our main position on the European Commission's proposals for the Digital Services Act and Digital...

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| Accessibility, Easy to Read
EDF recommendations for strengthening the EU Parking Card 2020

EDF recommendations for strengthening the EU Parking Card 2020 [898KB doc] Executive summary This position paper describes the...

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| Disability Strategy
Summary of EDF’s first reactions EU Disability Rights Strategy

We are pleased to see that the EU Disability Rights Strategy 2021-2030 is a clear step forward in comparison to the previous Strategy. It is also to be highly commended that the European Commission (EC) took the process of consultation with disability organisations very seriously.

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| Human Rights
2021 EU Justice Scoreboard

Persons with disabilities living in the EU continue to face major barriers in accessing the justice system. As a consequence, they may not have their right to an effective remedy fulfilled in violation with article 47 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, EU directives on access to justice and the CRPD which impact the EU as a whole. EDF welcomes the roadmap consultation on the EU Justice Scoreboard and set some recommendations in this position paper.

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| Public health
European Health Union Package

The European Disability Forum calls on the European Commission to incorporate the rights of persons with disabilities in its 3 proposals for regulations part of the European Health Union Packages through this position paper. 

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| Public health
European Health Union Package

The European Union and all its Member States have ratified the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of...

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The United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - Guide

The United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - guide for DPO (PDF) The United...

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| COVID-19
Disability Voice - January 2021

Issue 1 - Vaccines, Brexit, and the Social Pillar In this edition: Vaccination: How campaigns are doing across Europe,...

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| COVID-19, Easy to Read
Extract Human Rights Report 2021: Impact of COVID-19 on persons with disabilities

This paper gives an overview of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on persons with disabilities in Europe and draws specific recommendations for the EU and European countries. It is based on the EDF Human Rights Report on COVID-19 that will be published in early 2021.

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| Easy to Read, Human Rights
European Human Rights Report 2020: Poverty and Social Exclusion

The true extent of how poverty and social exclusion affect persons with disabilities in the EU. It highlights that EU countries have largely failed at reducing poverty faced by persons with disabilities. It shows how, in all EU countries, persons with disabilities are more likely to be poor and unemployed than persons without disabilities. It presents actions that the EU, it's Member States and other European Countries should take to improve the situation.

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| Easy to Read, EDF information
EDF Annual Report 2019

Find in this document all the EDF achivements during 2019. This report was co-funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme. The European Union was not involved in the preparation and publication of this report.

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| Membership
Information letter for National Councils about the upcoming General Assemblies

This Information letter for our National Councils provides information about the two upcoming General Assemblies and about the nomination process.

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| EU Institutions
Common Provisions Regulation 2021-2027: Analysis of the final agreement

In this document we will analyse the final agreement on the CPR and what it means for persons with disabilities. When presenting final text from the Regulation, all amendments to the Commission’s original proposal will be presented in bold and italic. In some cases, where text has been removed from the original proposal, words will also have a strike through.

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| Employment
Ensuring adequate wages and workers’ rights for persons with disabilities

Here we will explore a few of the main challenges faced by workers with disabilities when it comes to escaping in-work poverty and look at what an EU Directive on adequate minimum wage would have to do to help remedy the situation. 

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| Accessibility
Accessible Online Meetings

Here is a suggested checklist for organizers running on accessible online meetings. It was put together by our...

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| Artificial Intelligence
Plug and Pray?

A disability perspective on artificial intelligence, automated decision-making and emerging technologies - 2018

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| Easy to Read, EDF information
Human Rights Report 2019: Ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities to equality and non-discrimination in the European Union

Ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities to equality and non-discrimination in the European Union. The report includes a review of equality frameworks in each EU Member State and a section on multiple and intersectional forms of discrimination.

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| Easy to Read, EDF information
EDF Annual Report 2018

Find in this document all the EDF achivements during 2018. This report was co-funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme. The European Union was not involved in the preparation and publication of this report.

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Webinar library of Bridging the Gap

Bridging the Gap is a project funded by the European Union (EU) under the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI), Thematic Programme “Global Public Goods and Challenges”. There are 12 webinars in English, French, and Spanish. They are all subtitled

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| Women and girls
Women's Voice - November 2020

Wednesday is the international day on elimination of violence against women and girls. In that occasion we share with you a specific article on violence against women and girls with disabilities and advertise several events on the topic.

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| Human Rights
Marking 10 years of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - 2016 (pdf)

10 years of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD). This report gives an overview of the state of play on the CRPD in Europe.

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| Women and girls
Webinar on "Ending violence against women and girls with disabilities in the European Union"

On November 24th and on the occasion of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2020 together with Inclusion Europe, we held a webinar titled  ”Ending violence against women and girls with disabilities in the European Union”. During this webinar we discussed with EU actors and partners, including EU institutions, agencies and women’s organisations how to work together to end violence against women and girls with disabilities.

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| Human Rights, Public health
Disability Voice - November 2020

Saturday 10 October was World Mental Health Day, dedicated to raising awareness of mental health and psychosocial disabilities. In this context we teamed up with our member Mental Health Europe (MHE) for this edition of the Disability Voice.

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| Women and girls
Women's Voice - October 2020

In this edition of the Women's Voice, we share with you issues faced by women in psychiatry and the campaign of EDF to combat involuntary treatment and placement. 

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| International cooperation, Refugees
EDF’s input to the EU Action plan on integration and inclusion of migrants and people of migrant background

Refugees and asylum seekers with disabilities face the same risks as other refugees, however compounded by many other...

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| International cooperation
Webinar #3: VIVID-T The Impact of Volunteering - Inclusive Volunteering & Social Entrepreneurship Skills. October 2020

You can watch the complete webinar here.  Continuing our webinars relating to the VIVID:T project, this webinar, which...

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| Human Rights
Disability Voice - October 2020

This month we bring you a short edition with calls to action and updates on our work including new toolkits, surveys, and a photo competition, and we'll be back to our longer format in our next edition on Mental Health - stay tuned!

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| Human Rights
Action plan on integration and inclusion of migrants and people of migrant background

Refugees and asylum seekers with disabilities face the same risks as other refugees, however compounded by many other issues. Consult in EDF position paper the main recommendations for the Action Plan on integration and inclusion of migrants and people of migrant background.

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| Accessibility
Webinar: Advocating for strong national adoption of the European Accessibility Act. September 2020

On September 30th, the European Disability Forum (EDF) organised a webinar about the transposition of the European Accessibility Act at national level, this is to adapt or introduce laws in the country to comply with the European legislation.

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| Women and girls
Women's Voice - September 2020

In this edition, we summarise key points relevant to women and girls with disabilities from the last months: important publications, work of the CRPD and CEDAW Committee, and consultations from the European Commission.

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| Youth
Webinar: the European Solidarity Corps. September 2020

On September 24th, the European Disability Forum held a webinar to present the new programme of the European Commission for volunteering and working abroad focusing particularly on young people with disabilities or with fewer opportunities.

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| Youth
Webinar: DiscoverEU Get to know your Europe. January 2020

On September 24th, the European Disability Forum held a webinar to present the new programme of the European Commission for volunteering and working abroad focusing particularly on young people with disabilities or with fewer opportunities.

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| Accessibility
Webinar: Online discussion on the Web Accessibility Directive. September 2019

On September 23rd, The European Disability Forum, in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology of the European Commission, hosted a "Discussion on the Web Accessibility Directive". 

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| Accessibility
Digital Services Act

EC Digital Services Act (doc) EC Digital Services Act (pdf)

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| Youth
Disability Voice - August 2020

For the third consecutive year we are meeting here, in this youth version of the Disability Voice. But this is maybe the only common thing with the previous years, as 2020 is really unique, mostly for the wrong reasons.

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| COVID-19
Webinar: HLPF side-event: Inclusion Counts - disability data in crisis response. July 2020

On July 16th, the High-Level-Political-Forum (HLPL) held a side-event through an online webinar exploring what are the commitments undertaken by governments, UN agencies, and other actors towards the use of high quality disaggregated disability data to ensure that COVID-19 responses and recovery plans are inclusive to persons with disabilities

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| International cooperation
Webinar #2: VIVID-T Challenges in Inclusive Volunteering under Covid-19

On July 14th, the second webinar of the VIVID-T Project was held. The main objectives of the webinar were to explore the topic of disability and inclusive volunteering, to provide recommendations based on the participants’ research,

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| COVID-19
Webinar: COVID-19 recovery and the EU Budget: Influencing the process. July 2020

On July the 8th, the European Disability Forum held the webinar “COVID-19 recovery and the EU Budget: influencing the process”.

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| Women and girls
Women's Voice - June 2020

This month we are not going into details on the content of the newsletter and instead we encourage you to read...

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| COVID-19, Human Rights, Women and girls
Webinar: Left behind Women with disabilities during COVID 19. June 2020

On June 19th, the European Disability Forum organised a webinar to discuss about the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on women and girls with disabilities suffering from violence.

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| Human Rights
Disability Voice - June 2020

Content warning: this issue includes the topics of death, prison, psychiatric institutions, racism, rape. Residential institutions, psychiatric institutions, correctional facilities, and detention centers are all spaces where state violence, ableist and racist, can be inflicted, including by police and other staff.

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| Accessibility
Artificial Intelligence

EDF Position on EC AI White Paper (doc) EDF Position on EC AI White Paper (PDF)

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| EU Institutions
Council Presidencies

Disability Priorities for the Presidency Trio Germany - Portugal - Slovenia (PDF)

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| Accessibility
Air Passengers' Rights

EDF Position on Air Passengers' Rights for Persons with Disabilities 2020

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| Women and girls
Women's Voice - May 2020

The Belgian government has started to loosen the lockdown measures, as in many other European countries. We however stay very prudent and continue to monitor the situation with our members and partners.

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| COVID-19
Disability Voice - May 2020

As we have been receiving and posting more information than usual, we’re trying out a more compact format of this newsletter in order to best direct you to the most up to date information.

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| International cooperation
Webinar #1 : VIVID-T Enhancing Disability Inclusive Practices in Humanitarian Action and Volunteer Management. May 2020

On May 14 the European Disability Forum (EDF) organised the first in a set of webinars that will conduct about the EU funded project VIVID.

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| International cooperation
Webinar: i2i COVID-19 and women with disabilities and employment. May 2020

You can watch the complete webinar here.  On May 14th, the European Disability Forum organised the fifth of...

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| Youth
Webinar: Erasmus+ studying abroad and what is new for persons with disabilities. May 2020

On May14th, the European Disability Forum (EDF) organised a webinar on the new Erasmus + programme, which is an EU funded programme that provides grants for activities in the fields of education, training, youth and sport.

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| Women and girls
Webinar: Webinar on the Istanbul Convention. May 2020

On May 8th, the European Disability Forum (EDF) organised a webinar on the topic of the Istanbul Convention, which is a Council of Europe convention addressing violence against women and it aims at the prevention of violence, victim protection and "to end with the impunity of perpetrators".

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| COVID-19
Webinar: Disability Assessment, Rights and Inclusion. May 2020

On May 8th the European Disability Forum (EDF) organised a webinar to explain the disability assessment process, which is the process by which persons with disabilities are evaluated for having a recognition of their disability.

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| COVID-19
Webinar: EU Structural Investment Funds and COVID-19. May 2020

On May 7th, the European Disability Forum (EDF) and the ONCE Social Group organised a webinar on the European Structural Funds in response to COVID-19.

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| Accessibility, Climate Action, Green Deal
An inclusive EU Green Deal for Europe

This document highlights the measures that should be included to ensure the EU deal is inclusive, building a better society for us all, in Europe and around the world.

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| Accessibility
Rail Passengers' Rights

EDF Position Paper on Rail Passengers' Rights for the Trilogue negotiations (Word) EDF Position Paper on Rail Passengers'...

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| Accessibility, Climate Action, Green Deal
EU Green Deal

EDF's response to the public consultation on the "Climate Pact" (PDF)

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| COVID-19
Webinar: Online meeting of the Disability Intergroup “Impact of COVID 19 outbreak to persons with disabilities”. April 2020

On April 30th the Disability Intergroup, with the support of its secretariat the European Disability Forum, organised an online meeting with the participation of the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs),

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| Human Rights
Social Rights

A Strong Social Europe for Just Transitions: Implementing the EU Pillar of Social Rights

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| Women and girls
EU Strategy for Victims' Rights

EDF recommendations on the EU Strategy on Victims’ Rights (2020-2024) (PDF) EDF recommendations on the EU Strategy on...

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| Women and girls
Women's Voice - April 2020

Most of this April's newsletter covers the COVID-19 pandemic and how it affects women, including women with disabilities, who are at the forefront of the pandemic. 

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| International cooperation
Webinar: i2i Labour market data for persons with disabilities. April 2020

On the April 22nd the European Disability Forum organised the fourth of a series of webinars about the Innovation to Inclusion project (also called i2i programme).

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| Accessibility
Electronic Communications Code Toolkit

EDF toolkit on transposition of the European Electronic Communications Code (PDF) EDF toolkit on transposition of the European...

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| COVID-19
Webinar: Lockdown measures during COVID 19 - how it affects persons with disabilities. April 2020

On April 21st the European Disability Forum (EDF) organised a second webinar about the COVID-19 pandemic to talk about how the measures adopted by the different countries are affecting persons with disabilities and what advocacy measures have been taken by the disability movement.

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Disability Voice - April 2020

Happy World Autism Awareness Day! We co-created this edition with Autism-Europe to draw attention to their latest campaign on education and employment for autistic people, and to their work on building understanding of neurodiversity and de-institutionalisation

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| COVID-19
Webinar: COVID-19 pandemic: disability issues in the EU. January 2020

On April 10th the European Disability Forum (EDF) organised a two hours webinar about the COVID-19 pandemic and what challenges are persons with disabilities are facing.

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| Accessibility
Equal access and choice to electronic communications

EDF Recommendations on equal access and choice to electronic communications services (Word) EDF Recommendations on equal access and...

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| Women and girls
Women's Voice - March 2020

On Sunday, the world celebrated international women's day with marches and events all over the planet. It was a great time to reflect on all that has been accomplished and everything that still needs to be done, in all areas of life, to include all women and girls.

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| Accessibility
Webinar: Passenger Rights. March 2020

On March 22nd, the European Disability Forum (EDF) organised a webinar on Passengers’ Rights to raise awareness about the rights of passengers in different transport modes covered by different European legislation, and with particular focus on the rights of passengers with disabilities. This webinar also highlighted the gaps of these EU laws which are now being revised.

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| Accessibility
Webinar: European Electronic Communications Code. April 2020

On March 20th, the European Disability Forum (EDF) organised a webinar on the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC). Among other objectives, this directive aims at strengthening the protection of all consumers as well as their rights across the EU.

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| Women and girls
Disability Voice - March 2020

This edition of the Disability Voice was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and will focus on the issues and rights of women and girls with disabilities.

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| Women and girls
Women's Voice - February 2020

We focused on the essential: the upcoming elections of the CEDAW Committee (you can still contribute to the process), the finalisation of the gender equality strategy by the European Commission, and...

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| EU Institutions
Webinar: Council Presidencies, February 2020

On February 20th, the European Disability Forum (EDF) organised a webinar about the work of the Council of the European Union with a focus on the rotation of the presidencies every six months.

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| SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals
Webinar: Regional Forum on Sustainable Development 2020. February 2020

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN ECE) Constituency of Persons with Disabilities organised a webinar on February 6th. This webinar aimed at giving an overview of the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development.

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| International cooperation
Webinar: i2i The role of DPOs in international cooperation. February 2020

On February 6th the European Disability Forum organised the third of a series of webinars within the framework of the i2i project (Innovation to Inclusion).

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| Accessibility
Webinar: Towards Ambitious Transposition of Audiovisual Media Services Directive. February 2020

On February 6th, the European Disability Forum (EDF) organised a webinar about the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD).

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Disability Voice - February 2020

New year, new Disability Intergroup, and a new Disability Voice! Keep reading to find out how you can help us shape it, and keep reading further for upcoming webinars, scholarships, jobs and other opportunities. Happy New Year!

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| Women and girls
Women's Voice - January 2020

EDF Women's Committee has been working hard and we are pleased to share with you our achievement of last year and action plans for 2020. We will continue working hard to ensure that women and girls with disabilities are fully part of the next...

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| Easy to Read, Human Rights
Know your Rights

The following pages present your rights as a person with disabilities in the European Union (EU). It will help you understand how the EU works, the history and development of rights of persons with disabilities in the EU, and what rights you have under EU law. In a situation where your rights are breached, or you would like some more information, our website provides a list of the agencies that you can reach out to. Finally, it also explains the challenges that remain for persons with disabilities.

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| Accessibility
European Electronic Communication Code (EECC) Toolkit for transposition

The recast European Electronic Communications Code or the EECC was adopted and entered into force in December 2018....

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| Youth
Webinar: DiscoverEU Get to know your Europe. January 2020

On January 15th the European Disability Forum (EDF) organised a webinar about the programme DiscoverEU. This is an initiative from the European Commission which gives the opportunity to young people, including persons with disabilities, of discovering different countries and cities traveling by rail.

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| EU Institutions
Council of the EU

Disability Priorities for the Croatian Presidency of the Council 2020

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Guidance Note on the Role of European organisations of persons with disabilities in International Cooperation

The objective of the guidance note is to document for the first time the experience of European DPOs...

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| International cooperation
Webinar: i2i Monitoring Tools. December 2019

The webinar, which lasted one hour, was well attended by organisations of persons with disabilities and their representatives as well as other stakeholders and members of the public interested in employment and economic opportunities for persons with disabilities.

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| International cooperation
The Role of DPOs in International Cooperation

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) laid a firm foundation for ensuring...

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| Human Rights, Women and girls
EU Gender Equality Strategy post 2019

During the last decade, the European Commission adopted a Strategy for equality between women and men 2010-2015 and...

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| Accessibility
BEREC Guidelines detailing Quality of Service Parameters

General comment on the guidelines: Mainstream accessibility - Quality measurement parameters should set accessibility of services as one...

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| Accessibility
Disability Card

EDF started first campaigning for the introduction of a European Disability Card (then known as “European Mobility Card”)...

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| Accessibility
Accessibility of Audiovisual Media

The Audiovisual Media Services Directive or AVMSD (referred to as the Directive throughout this text) was adopted on...

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| International cooperation
Webinar i2i: Presenting the programme. October 2019

The European Disability Forum (EDF) organized the first webinar series on the 29th of October 2019 to present Innovation to Inclusion, also known as the i2i programme.

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| Accessibility
European Accessibility Act

The European Accessibility Act is a landmark agreement reached after decade-long campaigning by the European disability movement. The...

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| EU Institutions
Council of the EU

In this document, you will find a short summary of policy items that will be decided or discussed...

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| SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals
SDGs Flyers in all EU languages

In July 2019, EDF published a flyer on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in all EU languages, Easy to Read English and International Sign. It aims at explaining what the SDGs are, how are persons with disabilities included and what can you do to contribute. We also highlight the importance of data in the SDGs and for data to be disaggregated by disability.

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| SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals
Videos on Sustainable Development Goals "For a future with no one behind"

To mark the start of the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development and underline that persons with disabilities need to be included in the Sustainable Development Goals, we launched 7 short videos. The videos highlight how the life of persons with disabilities will improve if we achieve 7 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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| Accessibility
Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) Guidelines – evaluation

The EU holds responsibility on infrastructure policy - in the fields of transport, energy and telecommunications - since...

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| Accessibility
Webinar: European Accessibility Act. June 2019

On 26th of June, 2019 EDF hosted a webinar to explain the final analysis of the European Accessibility Act and how to proceed.

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| International cooperation, SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals
Regional Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities

Advocacy for the rights of persons with disabilities and implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of...

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European Human Rights Report - issue 3

Ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities to equality and non-discrimination in the European Union 2019: The third...

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The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

This is a guide for organisations of persons with disabilities on how to engage with the United Nations...

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| Accessibility
10 Web Accessibility Rules

What is web accessibility? According to the World Wide Web consortium (W3C) “web accessibility means that people with disabilities can...

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| Accessibility
EDF Guide for Accessible Meetings for All

A successful conference with active participation, good debate, with audiences from different backgrounds and perspectives, will depend on...

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| Accessibility
Rail Passengers' Rights

These are EDF’s proposed amendments following the European Parliament’s vote on 15 November 2018 and the publication of...

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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence will have huge implications on the lives of all citizens, including persons with disabilities who can...

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European Accessibility Act

Considering the importance of the proposal for the European Accessibility Act (Directive of the European Parliament and of...

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| Accessibility
Accessible Meetings

A successful conference with active participation, good debate, with audiences from different backgrounds and perspectives, will depend on...

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| Accessibility, EU Institutions
Web Accessibility Directive

Within the development of the Directive (EU) 2016/2102 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public...

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| EU Institutions
Instrument for Pre-Accession II

We welcome the European Commission’s (EC) legislative proposal of 14 June 2018 for a regulation establishing the Instrument...

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European Solidarity Corps

EDF welcomes the European Commission’s initiative on European Solidarity Corps. Ahead of submitting its response to the second...

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| Accessibility, transport
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

Transport accessibility in the EU is not optional, it is a legal obligation under the United Nations Convention...

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| SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, a new universal ambition was agreed on by world leaders with the adoption of the 2030...

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Multi-annual Financial Framework 2021-2027

In 2013, EDF welcomed the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds) regulations for the period 2014-2020 as...

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| Easy to Read, Human Rights, Women and girls
Ending forced sterilisation of women and girls with disabilities

This report by EDF and CERMI Women’s Foundation raises awareness on how to prevent and end forced sterilisation...

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| Accessibility
Web Accessibility Directive

Within the development of the Directive (EU) 2016/2102 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public...

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| Easy to Read, Human Rights, SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals
Human Rights Report 2018: Disability-Inclusive SDGs in Europe and in International Cooperation

The second issue of our annual European Human Rights report Series is focusing on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable   Development  and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report showcases to decision-makers and organisations of   persons with disabilities  the link between the CRPD and the SDGs in Europe and in international cooperation. It suggests recommendations and advocacyopportunities for disability-inclusive SDGs.

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| EDF information
EDF Annual Report 2016-2017

Find in this document all the EDF achivements during 2016-2017. This report was co-funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme. The European Union was not involved in the preparation and publication of this report.

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Emergency Resolution on the European Accessibility Act

Adopted by the 4 th European Parliament of Persons with Disabilities - Brussels, 6 December 2017 Calling on...

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EDF Resolution on the European Disability Strategy 2020-2030

adopted by the 4th European Parliament of Persons with Disabilities - Brussels, 6 December 2017 This year, the...

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EDF Manifesto on the European Elections 2019

adopted by the 4th European Parliament of Persons with Disabilities -  Brussels, 6 December 2017 This year, the...

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| Human Rights
Human Rights Report 2016 - Marking 10 years of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

10 years of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD). This report gives an overview of the state of play on the CRPD in Europe.

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| EDF information
EDF Annual Report 2014-2015

Annual Report 2014-2015 in accesible PDF Easy to Read version Annual Report 2014 - 2015

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