

Pierre Gyselinck Biography

Elected in 2013 Country Belgium As a person with disability, Pierre Gyselinck has been working as a volunteer for many years in the disability movement. Background He is more than thirty years active as Board member of the umbrella NGO Katholieke Vereniging Gehandicapten (KVG). Since 2005, he has been elected as chairman of the Belgian Disability Forum (BDF). Since 2008, ha has been appointed by the King to the Belgian National High Council for People with Disabilities, while since 2009 he has been appointed by the Flemish Government as substitute member of the Advisory Body of the Flemish Agency for People with Disabilities (VAPH). Pierre is an active member of the presidium of the INGO ‘Action Européenne des Handicapés (AEH)’, while he has also been Member of the General Assembly of Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI); and Executive member of DPI-Europe. Since May 2013, Pierre has been elected as an EDF Board member and also re-elected as member of EDF’s Finance Committee.