International focus on disability: the Global Disability Summit

International focus on disability: the Global Disability Summit

We hosted an information session on 19 June to explore how to engage in two significant international events focused on disability issues: the G7 (Group of Seven) Ministerial Meeting on Inclusion and Disability scheduled for 14-16 October in Italy, and the Global Disability Summit (GDS2025) set for April 2025.

This article will present information on the next Global Disability Summit.

Global Disability Summit 2025

A representative from the German government, Dr. Alexander Görsdorf, joined us to share the latest news surrounding the Global Disability Summit and ways to engage in the months ahead.

Dr.  Görsdorf explained that the Summit aims to encourage global efforts to realise disability inclusion around the world. The Summit brings together a wide variety of stakeholders: governments, international agencies, the private sector, academia, civil society organizations, organisations of persons with disabilities, and foundations. He encouraged participants to read the overview and outline document prepared by the Summit’s hosts.

Participants explored ways to drive global commitments ahead of the Global Disability Summit. Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) are especially encouraged to advocate for commitments from their national governments. EDF has a toolkit available in both English and Russian outlining how to advocate for  commitments. The toolkit also shows commitments made by national governments during the last Global Disability Summit.


Erika Hudson, EDF International Cooperation Policy Officer, at