CERMI Women’s Foundation-European Disability Forum webinar on Women and girls with disabilities in the face of trafficking and sexual exploitation

CERMI Women’s Foundation-European Disability Forum webinar on Women and girls with disabilities in the face of trafficking and sexual exploitation
from2 pm to 3.30 pm


Report and recording

This webinar was organised by the European Disability Forum and the CERMI Women’s Foundation on 1st December 2021. It informed organisations of persons with disabilities and other participants on the relevant instruments and policies to combat trafficking and sexual exploitation in women and girls with disabilities. It will also presented exchange of best practices and current state of play in Spain.

Women and girls with disabilities are at a higher risk of exploitation and may be more at risk of trafficking in persons, including in the context of global migration. Recent reports presented evidence of the direct link between some forms of disability and different patterns of trafficking, such as forced begging and labour exploitative practices. To learn more, watch our webinar and report our report.

Download the report: Report webinar trafficking of women with disabilities

You can watch the recording of the event here:

Objectives and speakers

This webinar, jointly organized by the European Disability Forum and the CERMI Women’s Foundation will inform DPOs and other participants on the relevant instruments and policies to combat trafficking and sexual exploitation in women and girls with disabilities. It will also present exchange of best practices and current state of play in Spain.

The webinar will be conducted and moderated by Ana Peláez Narváez, EDF Vice-President and Executive Vice-President of CERMI Women’s Foundation. Speakers include representatives from EDF and CERMI Women’s Foundation, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator’s Office and representative from the Spanish national Police.


14:00 –  Welcome and housekeeping rules.
14:10 – Keynote presentation:  Marine Uldry, Human Rights Officer, European Disability Forum.
14:20 – Panel 1: International and European instruments and policies to combat trafficking and sexual exploitation in women and girls with disabilities.

  • Siobhán Mullally, United Nations Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially in women and children.
  • Dalia Leinarte, Chair of the CEDAW Committee working group on the General Recommendation concerning trafficking in women & girls in the context of global migration.
  • Ms Zsuzsanna Felkai Janssen, team leader of the Anti-Trafficking team, Office of the EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator (TBC)

14:50 – Q&A
15:05 – Panel 2: Exchange of best practices and current state of play in Spain

  • José Nieto Barroso, Chief Inspector, Spain National Police.
  • Isabel Caballero Pérez, Coordinator, CERMI Women’s Foundation.

15:15 – Q&A
15:25 –  Closing remarks
15:30 – End


The webinar will provide English, French and Spanish interpretation and international sign language interpretation. The webinar will be recorded and shared later for those who cannot join.


About us

The European Disability Forum (EDF) is an umbrella organisation of persons with disabilities that defends the interests of over 100 million persons with disabilities in Europe. Run by persons with disabilities and their families, EDF is a strong united voice of persons with disabilities in Europe.

The CERMI Women’s Foundation is a non-profit organization whose main objective is to favor the conditions for women and girls with disabilities, as well as women and mothers who assist persons with disabilities, to enjoy fully and on equal terms all the human rights and fundamental freedoms.


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