European Elections 2024 - Disability Rights

Voters across the EU will elect 705 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) between 6-9 June 2024. As the EU’s only directly elected body, this election is one of the largest democratic exercises in the world. It is vital that persons with disabilities participate in it. 

EDF is campaigning for an inclusive future for persons with disabilities in the EU. 

Why are the European Elections important for persons with disabilities?

The EU has an obligation to protect the rights of all people, including the rights of persons with disabilities, through laws and by supporting Member States’ actions and initiatives. 

Participating in the European elections asan advocate, as a voter, and as a candidate will help guarantee that EU policies reflect your needs and those of 100 million persons with disabilities. 

Increased political participation has resulted in significant progress for persons with disabilities, such as the passing of the European Disability Card, Passengers’ Rights Regulations, and Equal Treatment in Employment Directive. However, much more needs to be done. We need more action and funding to enforce existing laws and tackle barriers. For example: 

  • The EU does not always include individuals or organisations of persons with disabilities in laws and decisions concerning them. 
  • It is still hard for people with disabilities to access justice equally. 
  • It is still hard to study and to find and hold paid jobs. 
  • It is still hard for persons with disabilities to travel to another country in the EU. 
  • It is hard for persons with disabilities living in another EU country to get support to move, live, work or study. 
  • Some people with disabilities do not have legal capacity, meaning they cannot make decisions for their own lives, including in healthcare and political participation. 

To this end, it is imperative that persons with disabilities are active during elections – including the European elections.  

The (in)accessibility of European Political Party Websites

The (in)accessibility of European Political Party Websites

“Access Denied: The (in)accessibility of European Political Party websites” is a report co-authored by EDF and the Funka Foundation, a leader in the sector of digital accessibility.

The report found appalling results in the websites of the 7 main European political parties – European People’s Party, Party of European SocialistsALDE PartyECR PartyEuropean GreensEuropean Left and Identity and Democracy.

The disappointing results of the report show that:

  • All political parties’ websites have severe accessibility issues, excluding groups of users from content while making it difficult for others to access information.
  • Some instances of insufficient colour contrast were the worst that any of the involved experts had ever measured before.
  • Some website owners had actively removed code that benefits users, thereby deliberately making the interface less accessible.

Read the full Access Denied report

Is your Election Campaign Accessible?

Accessibility is vital in making sure that everyone can understand political parties’ goals, who the candidates are, and who they should vote for.

EDF has developed two accessibility checklists to help campaign staff, politicians, candidates, and public officials to assess their campaign communications and events, understand what is missing, and find out where to go from there. 

Fill out our guides, score yourself and step up your accessibility journey! 

Discover the Checklists: Making campaigns accessible for persons with disabilities

Media coverage

5th European Parliament of Persons with Disabilities

The 5th European Parliament of Persons with Disabilities was the landmark event that kickstarted our campaign towards the European elections. It brought together over 700 disability advocates, policymakers and other stakeholders under the theme “Building an inclusive future for persons with disabilities in the EU” 

It was hosted at the European Parliament in Brussels. The event served as a platform to discuss the rights of persons with disabilities and decide on the political demands of the European Disability Movement.  

Learn more about the 5th European Parliament of Persons with Disabilities

Read the EDF Manifesto on the European Elections 2024: “Building an inclusive future for persons with disabilities in the EU”

EU Electoral Rights

EU citizens have the right to vote and stand as a candidate in European elections in their country of origin. If they live in another EU country, they may choose to vote and stand as a candidate under the same conditions as the citizens of that country, with some exceptions. 

Nevertheless, it is extremely common for persons with disabilities to be deprived of their rights to political participation. 

You can learn more about your rights and our work to advance them on our page on political participation of persons with disabilities. 

Pledge for candidates in the EU elections 2024: Building an inclusive future for persons with disabilities

The pledge “Building an inclusive future for persons with disabilities” asks candidates to commit to re-establish the European Parliament’s Disability Intergroup and to advocate for an ambitious revision of the  European Union’s Strategy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Read the pledge

Discover the signatories

Our Members' Election Activities



The Cerebral Palsy in the European Union Association has published a manifesto to explain how the EU can improve the lives of its citizens with cerebral palsy.

CP-ECA's Manifesto


Rare Diseases Europe is calling for rare diseases to be a priority of MEP candidates through their #ActRare2024 campaign, Building the Engine of an Inclusive European Health Union.

Rare Diseases Europe's Campaign
Inclusion Europe

Inclusion Europe

Inclusion Europe campaigns for persons with intellectual disabilities to ‘Use your vote (If you have one)’, highlighting how many persons with intellectual disabilities still face serious restrictions in political participation.

Inclusion Europe's Campaign


Conseil Français des personnes Handicapées pour les affaires Européennes et internationales created a portal ahead of the elections with resources on all aspects of voting in France.

CFHE's Portal


Ieder(in)’s election campaign actions involve a letter to Dutch European Parliament candidates and an awareness-raising article, which also shares the Dutch language versions of EDF’s manifesto and candidates’ pledge.

Ieder(in)'s Campaign
Read the pledge


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