EDF's work in the Middle East (including Gaza)

The European Union (EU) is the world’s largest aid donor. It funds and implements projects worldwide where persons with disabilities should be included. EDF holds the EU accountable and ensures organisations of persons with disabilities (DPOs) are consulted in EU policy and programming. We want to facilitate the liaison between DPOs and EU Delegations staff to ensure persons with disabilities are engaged in EU work towards different regions of the world.

Our sister organisation in the Middle East

Our sister organisation in the Middle East

EDF works closely with the Arab Organization of Persons with Disabilities (AOPD). AOPD is a regional organization composed of DPOs operating in the different Arab Countries (cuntries in the Middle East and North Africa).

AOPD’s main objectives are to promote the rights of people with disabilities, to empower people with disabilities and to represent Arab people with disabilities in the world at large.

Contact: aodp@cyberia.net.lb
X: @ArabPersons

Gaza - EDF advocacy and policy actions to support persons with disabilities and their OPDs in Gaza

Signatory of open letter to the international disability rights community

It´s been more than seven months since Israel´s most recent military assault on Gaza began, started by the Hamas-led attack in Israel, a barbaric massacre on October 7 that saw 1139 people murdered. Hamas is still holding captive over 200 hostages from Israel under unspeakable conditions. The Israeli military assault on Gaza has killed over 35,000 Palestinians, mainly civilians, including over 15,000 children. The response has destroyed critical infrastructure, caused mass displacement and caused particular harm to Gazans with disabilities. The World Health Organisation keeps detailed information.

In response to this horrific situation, a group of disability activists published an open letter to the disability rights community. The letter states:

“With the Israeli army entering Rafah and further escalating the horror, we call on disability rights leaders, activists, experts, researchers, and all our institutions to actively join global efforts to end the war against the Palestinian people, by: 

  • Demanding an immediate and permanent ceasefire and joining actions of solidarity with the people of Gaza.
  •  Amplifying the voices of Palestinians with disabilities and their demands in human rights spaces and mechanisms.
  •   Resourcing efforts to support people in Gaza, including those with disabilities.
  • Demanding accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity, by documenting the situation of people with disabilities in Gaza and the West Bank, and supporting the work of the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, and other multilateral bodies.
  • Supporting urgent and immediate disability-inclusive humanitarian action in Gaza.”

The European Disability Forum signed the letter on 24 May.

Other actions

  • EDF has started to regularly update the European Union, in particular DG ECHO (the Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations) from October 2023, providing information on the situation of persons with disabilities in Gaza, with the support of international organisations and present in Gaza and surroundings territories. 
  • EDF will be participating in the Human Rights Dialogues between the occupied Palestinian territory ( EEAS designation ) and the EU, and between Israel and the EU. The Human Rights Dialogues are spaces where civil society organisations (including OPDs) can provide updates on the state of play of human rights of persons with disabilities and formulate recommendations to the Governments the EU is engaging a dialogue with.
  • In October 2023, EDF, in collaboration with the Arab Organisation of Persons with Disabilities (AOPD) have addressed a letter to DG ECHO. In the letter, we ask for all the humanitarian aid from the EU to ensure adequate and accessible warning messages and ongoing communications, and safe and accessible evacuation routes. Moreover, we highlight the need to prioritise the requirements of those who are most at risk, particularly women and girls with disabilities, and children and older persons with disabilities.
  • In December 2023, we sent a second letter to the President of the European Commission and to the High-Representative of the EU, addressing again the critical situation of persons with disabilities in Gaza.
  • In October 2023, EDF supported the International Disability Alliance (IDA) Statement on the situation of persons with disabilities in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. 
  • EDF has approved, during the previous years, three resolutions calling for peace, ending of hostilities and ensuring access to humanitarian aid for persons with disabilities: the Emergency Resolution calling for Peace, 2022; the Resolution calling for inclusive and participatory response to ongoing humanitarian crises, 2023; and the Disability rights, peace and conflict resolution, May 2024. 


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External events

Words from the President of EDF 

From the President of EDF, in Brussels at our Board meeting, 16th March 2024: “Today, in Europe, in the European Neighbourhood and the world, our brothers and sisters with disabilities. Mothers, fathers, children, families are under bombardment- our Ukrainian brothers and sisters now suffer over two years sustained attacks by Russia. We remember all those affected by the war in Ukraine, and our members who fight relentlessly to minimise the harm , and provide support to persons with disabilities. And another dark shadow hanging over us is the ongoing horrific war between Israel and Gaza. We have called for an immediate ceasefire, the release of all hostages and the protection of persons with disabilities and all civilians. But right now, as we speak, the people of Gaza are starving. Children are starving and families live in fear. Death is everywhere. How can a person with disabilities be aided by food parachuted in from the sky? Europe: where are you? Europe should be a place of peace and a place that promotes peace, safety and security, and should invest every effort possible to bring immediate ceasefire in Gaza.”

From the President of EDF, in Slovenia, at our General Assembly, 11th May 2024: ” I would like at this point to express my deepest sadness that it has not been possible to bring peace in Ukraine. Ukrainians continue to fight against the Russian full-scale invasion which has been going on for more than two years; we will hear today from our members in Ukraine. The brutal war in Gaza continues and I cannot put in words how devastating this is to the people – while we are here, working together, people with disabilities and their families and communities are cut off , under attack, and starving. We call again today through the resolution of our General Assembly for the restoration of peace.”

From the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Heba Hagrass

Reports from other organisations

The destruction of the independent living center “Rita Barbuto” of Gaza City (in Italian)