EDF's enforcement toolkit

The aim of this toolkit is to provide persons with disabilities and their representative organisations with an overview of the remedy mechanisms that they can use when they experience or identify a breach of their rights as contained in EU Law and clarify which one is the most appropriate for each circumstance.

How can this toolkit help you?

This toolkit should help you have an overview of the main mechanisms that you can use to enforce your rights as contained in EU legislation. To better illustrate this, the toolkit includes, where possible, practical disability-related examples and recommendations.


Non-Judicial Enforcement at the EU Level

Non-Judicial Enforcement at national level



SOLVIT is an online and free of charge service to find solutions to problems related to the breach of  EU citizens’ cross-border rights by public authorities, be it local, regional or national. SOLVIT offers a faster, informal and alternative mechanism to solve breaches in legislation instead of starting a court case, submitting a formal complaint to the Commission or launching a petition.

Discover how SOLVIT can enforce your rights

Judicial Enforcement

Useful tools to support judicial enforcement

Pro bono Legal Services

Pro bono Legal Services

Pro bono refers to free provision of legal services, including litigation, by individual lawyers or organisations. Such services free of charge are normally aimed at individuals or organisations who don’t have the resources to afford them. This could include, for example, activists, asylum seekers and persons with disabilities and their representative organisations.

Discover how Pro bono Legal Services can help enforce your rights