2024 & 2025 Disability Summits

Welcome to your go-to source for news, updates and resources from EDF on the 2025 Global Disability Summit and the 2024 European Regional Disability Summit on International Cooperation.

The Global Disability Summit aims to drive lasting change for persons with disabilities globally, while the European Regional  Disability Summit focuses on regional and neighbouring countries challenges.

Global and European Regional Disability Summits

OPD Engagement Opportunities and Resources



Check out our toolkit designed for OPDs to better support engagement and advocacy ahead of the Global Disability Summit in 2025 and the Europe Regional Summit in 2024

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In preparation of the Summits, EDF will collect input on international cooperation from OPDs based in Europe and Central Asia. 

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In anticipation of the Summits, EDF is hosting a series of dynamic online workshops with the overarching goal of supporting OPDs to share their priorities. Upcoming Workshops”


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