The Voice of youth counts!

In EDF young people and youth policies are part of the organization. We are working on making mobility for studies, volunteering or simply travelling more inclusive. We want to make sure that all EU Initiatives for young people of the European Commission or any other EU Institution are accessible and inclusive of young people with disabilities.


The voice of young people in EDF

The Youth Committee is an advisory committee within our organization. It is composed of members, young people aged 18 to 35, representing all cathegories of disabilities. It is chaired by one of its members who is supported by one of the Executive Committee member and by a staff from the secretariat to achieve its plans.

The members of the committee are eight strong young activists in the disability rights fields and youth movement and they are strongly committed to bring forword the rights of young people with disabilities in both disability and youth movement.

Get to know the members of the Youth Committee and their work.

However, to be sure that the entire youth with disability is represented a strong partnership exist between the Youth Committee and the youth movement within the member organisations of EDF. This is represented by the wider Youth Network.

Are you a group, organization representing young people with disabilities and you wish to stay in toutch with us. Contact the Youth Officer, who will further guide you. Your opinion and views count for us.

The EDF Youth Committee

EU’s obligation to ensure the rights of young people with disabilities under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The EU and all its member states have adopted and ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) that is an international human rights treaty. Thus the signatories of this treaty engaged themselves to implement and promote the full realisation of all human rights for all persons with disabilities through the adoption of new political tools and review of existing policies.

In the Convention there is not a specific article on young people, but there are several articles that are key for young people with disabilities. Education of persons with disabilities where and how they wish in article 24, employment with adequate support and a correct wages, in article 27, leisure and culture in article 31.

Our Work on Young People with Disabilities

We work to ensure our advocacy includes the perspectives of youth with disabilities, for which our Youth Committee plays a fundamental role. We also watch carefully that the youth movement becomes more and more aware of the disability perspective in their work and become more inclusive. For this, our partnership with the European Youth Forum plays a key role, and the Youth Committee attends regularly meetings and activities of this one.

To make visible the youth perspective with disabilities we are partnering and participating in the European Youth Event, the event on Youth of the European Parliament, we are part of the Erasmus+ Coalition and of the Inclusive Mobility Alliance.

The members of the Youth committees are part of several advisory boards of youth projects to ensure that the disability perspective is taken into account and activities and initiatives become more and more inclusive.

  • Discover EU
  • Erasmus+
  • European Solidarity Corps
  • Youth Guarantee

Resources on Youth

We will highlight just some of the most recent resources below, but there is much more in the Resources if you filter by Youth category. You can find our latest reports, webinars that you can watch and consult the presentations and the transcript of it.

  • Young People with Disabilities in Times of Covid-19 a report of a survey of the Youth Committee
  • Webinar on Erasmus+
  • Webinar on the European Solidarity Corps, volunteering opportunities abroad
  • EU Youth Initiatives

Find more resources

News on Youth

| Youth
EDF Youth Committee demands for International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023

The European Disability Forum’s Youth Committee shares the demands of youth with disabilities on the occasion of the...

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| European Elections, Right to vote, Youth
Envisioning the EU elections: Amplifying the rights of young persons with disabilities

With less than twelve months remaining until the European elections, we talked with the EDF Youth Committee about...

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| Youth
European Youth Event: Young people with disabilities advocate for inclusive policies 

A delegation of 20 young persons with disabilities from the EDF Youth Committee and the Ascend Citi Project...

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Events on Youth

Webinar on Advocating against the draft additional protocol to the Oviedo Convention: ending coercion in mental healthcare. Online launch of advocacy toolkit

Background Since 2014, the Council of Europe (regional organisation composed of 47 European countries) and its Committee of...

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Disability Intergroup event: Setting in motion the European Disability Rights Strategy

It is a unique moment in the European Union. For the first time, having ratified the EU and...

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Projects on Youth

HEALTH: increasing access to healthcare for persons with disabilities

The HEALTH study aims to support Member States, Iceland and Norway with guidance on increasing access to healthcare for persons with disabilities, with a focus on cancer care.

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Empower Ukraine

Empower Ukraine is a project working towards the better inclusion of at-risk internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees, veterans, older people, single-headed households, adults and children in institutions, and members of host communities with and without disabilities in specifically six oblasts (regions) in Ukraine.

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Ukraine war: OPD led disability inclusive response and recovery (Phase 2)

This project - funded by CBM - aims to ensure persons with disabilities and their representative organisations (OPDs) are included in the response and recovery of the Ukrainian crisis

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