The transition from institutions to community-based services and independent living for persons with disabilities

The transition from institutions to community-based services and independent living for persons with disabilities

The European Union and its Member States have pledged to transition away from institutions that segregate persons with disabilities, promoting independent living and community inclusion as per the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). However, progress is stagnating, with many people still living in segregating institutions across the EU. Some countries are even seeing a return to institutionalisation due to a lack of community-based support. Human rights violations in these institutions highlight the urgent need for community-based alternatives.

Despite awareness of the issue, monitoring during the transition is insufficient, and reliable data on institutionalised individuals is scarce. This hinders understanding and progress in moving away from institutional care. No EU country has achieved a true success story, and definitions of “institution” and “independent living” vary widely, complicating efforts for community inclusion.

Our position paper aims to:

  • Clarify these concepts and advocate for policies ensuring equal rights and opportunities for persons with disabilities.
  • Offer general recommendations for decision-makers and specific advice for the EU on using its instruments—funding, governance, data gathering, human rights monitoring, and policy implementation—to support this transition.
  • Explain key terms and outlines the necessary steps for enabling persons with disabilities to transition from segregated institutions to independent living.

Download the complete position paper below

EDF Position Paper: Community-based services and independent living