Pledge for candidates in the EU elections 2024: Building an inclusive future for persons with disabilities

I pledge, if elected to be a Member of the European Parliament, to promote disability rights and help build an inclusive future for persons with disabilities in the European Union (EU).

I commit to support the re-establishment of the Disability Intergroup of the European Parliament and to join the Disability Intergroup as a member.

I commit to working together with the disability movement to ensure the fulfilment of the European Union’s Strategy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, including a revision to incorporate new flagship initiatives and actions from 2025 to 2030.

I also commit to helping achieve the goals of the EDF Manifesto on the European Elections 2024, notably by:

  1. Promoting the participation of persons with disabilities and their representative organisations in the political and public life of the EU.
  2. Realising a Union of Equality for persons with disabilities with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as its compass and combating intersectional forms of discrimination based on gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.
  3. Introducing policies and a new EU budget aiming at a more social Europe, supporting inclusion and equal opportunities for persons with disabilities in all areas of life, as well as their independent living in the community.
  4. Adopting further legislation ensuring accessibility for persons with disabilities and realising their rights of free movement in the EU.
  5. Strengthening the protection of persons with disabilities in the EU and beyond, including by supporting the EU in becoming a stronger promoter of the implementation of the CRPD worldwide.

I hereby commit that nothing about persons with disabilities should be decided without persons with disabilities.

Sign the pledge

To sign the pledge, download one of the files below, enter your details, and send via email to André Félix.

Fill the pledge in Office Forms (English)

Pledge in National languages

Signatories to the pledge: