Ongoing Disability Inclusive Artificial Intelligence (AI)

EDF recognises Artificial Intelligence’s (AI) potential to greatly improve the lives of persons with disabilities, but also its potential risks. These risks can be significant, and we need to ensure that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is developed safely with accessibility and inclusion in mind. We would like to express our gratitude to the European Fund for Artificial Intelligence and Society, which is funding this project. 

“Inclusive AI” is a two-year project with the following aims:

  • advocating for the rights of persons with disabilities in relation to the development and use of AI technologies;
  • expand the knowledge of the European disability rights movement. 

The project is based on three pillars: 

1) Advocacy at the European level – We are lobbying EU policymakers regarding the proposal for a regulation on Artificial Intelligence – the AI Act – that is currently being negotiated. We will also participate in developing the harmonized standard. 

2) Capacity Building – Artificial Intelligence’s effect on the human rights of persons with disabilities will become an increasingly important topic to advocate for, especially when public authorities want to use it to make decisions about citizens. Therefore, we will also inform our member organizations on how AI impacts the rights of people with disabilities.

3) Awareness-raising activities – to ensure that inventors, scientists, and policymakers have a deep understanding of the needs and challenges regarding disability-friendly AI.  

In 2023, we plan to host three online webinars, primarily for our members, to highlight how AI is impacting the lives of persons with disabilities. AI impacts several areas, including employment, education, banking, and social security. EDF will also participate in the activities of other organisations. We will regularly publish articles on AI and disability and report on the negotiations of the AI Act on our website.


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Learn about the impact of Artificial Intelligence on persons with disabilities, and stay updated on AI progress and EU policies: Subscribe to the EDF newsletter on AI and disability.

Latest news

Video: Jamie and the impact of Artificial Intelligence on persons with disabilities (June 2024)

EU’s AI Act fails to set gold standard for human rights (April 2024)

AI Act agreement: partial win on accessibility (March 2024)

Access to services: The promises and pitfalls of AI for people with disabilities (January 2024)

Bridging AI and Autistic Rights – Insights, Advocacy, and Next Step. A guest blog post by an EDF-member organisation (January 2024)

Breaking Barriers: Riga Conference Explores AI’s Transformative Impact on Lives of Persons with Disabilities, A guest blog post by an EDF-member organisation (December 2024)

OECD report on Artificial Intelligence and Employment of People with Disabilities (December 2023)

Artificial Intelligence, inclusive education and employment: opportunities and challenges (October 2023)

What is the Artificial Intelligence Act? (October 2023)

Training an Artificial Intelligence (October 2023)

Translating Life into Numbers: How AI learns about human needs (September 2023)

Understanding Artificial Intelligence – and how it affects the disability community (August 2023)

Funding Opportunity: EDF Artificial Intelligence Grants Programme (July 2023)

European AI Fund enables us to work in Disability-inclusive Artificial Intelligence (November 2022)


Disability Inclusive Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Kave Noori

Artificial Intelligence Policy Officer