Humanitarian Action

In any situation of crisis or conflict, persons with disabilities face disproportionate risk of abandonment, violence, death, and a lack of access to safety, relief, and recovery support. Crucial information on safety and evacuation is often inaccessible, and evacuation centres themselves are also rarely accessible, meaning that persons with disabilities are too often left behind.

Our achievements

Other resources in inclusive emergency response

Humanitarian Response Projects

Empower Ukraine

Empower Ukraine is a project working towards the better inclusion of at-risk internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees, veterans, older people, single-headed households, adults and children in institutions, and members of host communities with and without disabilities in specifically six oblasts (regions) in Ukraine.

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Ukraine war: OPD led disability inclusive response and recovery (Phase 2)

This project - funded by CBM - aims to ensure persons with disabilities and their representative organisations (OPDs) are included in the response and recovery of the Ukrainian crisis

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Ukraine war: OPD led disability inclusive response and recovery (Phase 1)

This one year project - funded by CBM - aims to provide support to persons with disabilities in Ukraine and in neighboring and nearby countries who have been impacted by the Ukraine war

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Our latest news

| Humanitarian Action, International cooperation
The Parliament adopted a resolution on the innovative humanitarian aid strategy 

The European Parliament adopted a resolution on how to build an “innovative humanitarian aid strategy: spotlight on current...

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| Disability Card, Humanitarian Action, Political Participation
European Parliament’s Disability Rights Week days 3, 4 and 5

The European Parliament organised its first “Disability Rights Week” to mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. It...

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