Get your government to commit ahead of the Global Disability Summit 2022

Get your government to commit ahead of the Global Disability Summit 2022

Global Disability Summit and political commitments

The second Global Disability Summit will take place virtually on 15 – 17 February 2022 (GDS22) and is hosted by the government of Norway and the International Disability Alliance. The Summit will mobilize efforts for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the principle of leaving no one behind and on building back better and more inclusive with regards to Covid-19.

The expectations are high as states, multilateral agencies and civil society, including organisations of persons with disabilities (DPOs) are invited to submit political commitments by 26th January 2021. These commitments come with concrete actions and activities to advance the rights of persons with disabilities, to reduce inequalities, foster inclusive development and humanitarian action.

Stakeholders can get inspiration from a suggestion of ideas called the ‘menu of commitments’, a list that was developed in consultation with the Global Action on Disability network, the Disability Reference Group and disability experts including DPOs. For more information, please check the menu of commitments webpage. You can make a commitment from the suggested menu or propose new ones.

Ahead of the GDS22 a Youth Summit and Civil Society Forum will also be organized. You can find more information and registration forms here:

What will happen in Europe?

A European Regional Disability Summit will take place on 8th February 2022, under the auspices of the Global Disability Summit. It is organized by the Atlas Alliance, European Disability Forum (EDF), Global Disability Summit secretariat, International Disability Alliance (IDA), International Labour Organization (ILO), Norwegian Federation of Organisations of Disabled People (FFO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Europe and Central Asia, UN Human Rights Regional Office for Europe, UNICEF Europe and Central Asia, UN Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Fund (PRPD) and WHO Regional Office for Europe.

It will discuss how international cooperation in the broader European region can become inclusive of persons with disabilities. An outcome document proposing future commitments and solutions will be presented for adoption during the Regional Summit and presented at the Global Disability Summit.

Please register for the European Regional Disability Summit and spread the word for many people from Europe to join us on 8th February from 10-13hrs CET.

How has EDF been preparing for GDS22?

EDF has organized a series of consultation meetings during 2021 with its members and DPOs from Europe and Central Asia to inform, consult and involve in GDS22. In 2018, only four European countries got engaged in the GDS and made commitments: Andorra, Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The EU did not show any interest. It is important to change this reality and get the EU as well as European governments realising the importance of including persons with disabilities in international cooperation. Our aim is to raise awareness about the commitments European governments and the EU could make to support inclusive international cooperation and influence the outcome document of the high-level European Regional Disability Summit. We are also working towards ensuring European DPOs participation during both Summits, at the European and global level.

Global Disability Summit room: a person in a wheelchair looking some posters

Advocacy toolkit

EDF published its toolkit for DPOs on how to get their governments involved in the Global Disability Summit. The toolkit includes a template letter for DPOs to send to your national governments and other suggestions on how DPOs can get the national ministries to make commitments to advance the rights of persons with disabilities.

You can find a summary of the toolkit in Easy to Read.

Please go ahead, read our advocacy toolkit and learn more about the Summits, how to register and how to involve your national governments.

More information

Please contact An-Sofie Leenknecht, EDF Human Rights Coordinator (