Welcome to EDF

We are an umbrella organisation of persons with disabilities that defends the interests of over 100 million persons with disabilities in Europe.

We are an independent non-governmental organisation (NGO) that brings together representative organisations of persons with disabilities from across Europe. We are run by persons with disabilities and their families. We are a strong united voice of persons with disabilities in Europe.

Nothing about us without us!

Our latest news

| Social Policy, Women and girls
The European Pillar of Social Rights and Disability

The European Pillar of Social Rights was proclaimed by EU leaders in 2017 . It sets out 20...

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| Employment
Workers with disabilities facing inaccessibility, lack of support in workplaces

Ibrahim, who works in Belgium, often must take his personal laptop to work as his organisation doesn’t have...

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| Ukraine
Economic needs overshadow human rights: Impressions from EDF at Ukraine Recovery Conference

EDF representatives – led by Thorkild Olesen, EDF Executive Committee  Member - participated in the Ukraine Recovery Conference...

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More news

Rights of persons with disabilities in the European Union

How does the European Union guarantee the rights of persons with disabilities?

Your Rights in the European Union

How to Enforce Your Rights

Join us in our events

European Day of Persons with Disabilities 2024

The 2024 edition of the European Day of Persons with Disabilities conference is taking place in Brussels on...

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G7 (Group of Seven) Ministerial Meeting on Inclusion and Disability

The Group of Seven (G7) is an informal forum that brings together Italy, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the...

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3rd OPD Consultation (Central/Eastern Europe and Central Asia) - July 2nd

Event Details Organisers: European Disability Forum (EDF) and Global Disability Summit (GDS) Secretariat  Audience (by invite-only): Organisations of Persons with...

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More events

Ukraine: Protection and safety of persons with disabilities and their families

Ukraine: Protection and safety of persons with disabilities and their families

Updates from EDF and its members and partners in Ukraine and surrounding countries.

Visit our page to find out the latest information on the situation of persons with disabilities in Ukraine 

Page on Ukraine

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